05 novembro 2007


A film should stand on its own. It's absurd if a filmmaker needs to say what a film means in words. The world in the film is a created one, and people sometimes love going into that world. For them that world is real. And if people find out certain things about how something was done, or how this means that, the next time they see the film, these things enter into the experience. And then the film becomes different. I think it's so precious and important to maintain that world and not say certain things that could break the experience.
David Lynch, «Catching the big fish»

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uma verdadeira bomba literária e moral

A Tragédia da Rua das Flores ou O Desastre da Travessa das Caldas ou Os Amores de um Lindo Moço, O Caso Atroz de Genoveva ou simplesmente Genoveva, é uma obra rascunhada e rudimentar do ponto de vista gramatical, formal e estilístico, que ficou esquecida durante cerca de cem anos e que o autor nunca chegou a corrigir.

Todavia, era, para Eça,

"o melhor e mais interessante que tenho escrito até hoje"

"uma verdadeira bomba literária e moral".